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Cow Moostache Game Engine


     It's a Cow! With a mustache! No, wait, its a Cow with a Moostache! Way back in sixth grade, I made my first game. Or actually, I made my first failed attempt at making a game. That game was called Blades of Sapphire. CME2D was the answer. By creating a game engine that was easy to use, I made it easier for myself to create 2D games. I never actually finished a game with the engine, and it eventually faded into the past, but It was a fairly complicated and sucessfull project.

     Using C# and and DirectDraw, I created a game engine that was easy to use, and supported graphics, collision, simple physics, and basic sound support. It even had a basic object framework. Now that I look back on it, the only major feature missing was a scene graph. The game engine had its own tech demo, which essentially is what Blades of Sapphire would've been like. A scene editor was planned, but not completed.


.Net DLL Binary


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